Tuesday 26 April 2011

Kindergarten Trip

Well today I went with Donovan on a field trip to the zoo with his kindergarten class.  I found it to be quite interesting.  It seems to me that those poor teachers have to cope with all those things we forgot to teach our kids, didn't want to teach our kids, or taught our kids but just doesn't fly out there in the "real world".  The teacher not only has to deal with this behaviour but do it for 16 other kids.....for example.
A child is walking and drops his books and papers.  I know for me, as a mom, I stop come over and help them out right away some how not knowing that in the "real world" they may, heaven forbid, have to do this themselves.  Now the teacher has to stop and get them to do it themselves so that they learn how to be independent.  I still wipe Donovan's bum with a wet wipes....let's hope this whole scheduled poop in the evening things works out for us next year.

Anyways, I also found it to be totally interesting meeting some of the kids parents and you finally can say, ahhh that's where they get that from.  This is also the reason why I go on almost every field trip so I can try stop any "wow I would love to be fly on the wall in that house" comments from the other moms.  Who is to say what would come out of Donovan's and Simone's mouth.....Donovan's just said tonight, "that's fo sho mo fo".......well I guess that is the nice version.

All in all it was a great trip and I grew an even bigger appreciation for Donovan's teachers. 

Man I am going to miss these days when they are all grown up.

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